Call for Papers | Third All India Legal History Congress | National Law Institute University, Bhopal | Submit by Aug 1

About the National Law Institute University, Bhopal

The National Law Institute University, Bhopal (NLIU), was established by the Rashtriya Vidhi Sansthan Vishwavidyalaya Adhiniyam, by an Act No. 41 of 1997, enacted by the Madhya Pradesh State Legislature, and is recognized by the University Grants Commission and the Bar Council of India.

The VISION of NLIU is to become one of the best centres of legal education, training, and research in the world. The MISSION of NLIU is to develop and nurture the intellect for the betterment of the nation and humanity through Law and Justice.

The OBJECTIVES of NLIU are to contribute to the national development by instilling a sense of responsibility among her students, while simultaneously cultivating in them the spirit of intellectual freedom, qualities of leadership, imaginative power, and clarity.

About the All India Legal History Congress

National Law Institute University, Bhopal is delighted to host the 3rd All India Legal History Congress to enable discussion over key issues and new developments in the field of Legal History pre-independence and post-independence eras. This will be a sequel to the earlier Conferences hosted on the said Central theme during the years 2020 and 2021.

We hope that this Congress will provide an opportunity to everyone who are interested in various aspects of legal history, whether they are legal historians, historians from other fields, academicians from social science disciplines, judges, advocates, research scholars, and students from across the country, to present papers on the sub-themes provided at the end, in order to further enhance our knowledge of India’s and other countries’ legal historical events.


We welcome original, genuine, and unpublished contributions from students, academicians, and practitioners for the Seminar. (These themes are only suggestive in nature and are not exhaustive.)

  • Subalterns and their Contribution to the Legal Reforms (Political, Social, Cultural and Religious Movements
  • Lesser-known lawyers of the Freedom Struggle and their contributions
  • Role of Women in Law Making
  • Impact of Judicial Decisions and Legislations on Women (Pre & Post Independence) Contribution of media in law-making and legal awareness
  • Financial law and legal change
  • Role of law in the Development of Education
  • Judicial pronouncement and social change
  • Idea of Justice since Independence
  • Indianization of judicial administration
  • History of ADR in India Criminal and Civil Administration
  • Community and emergence of new legal tradition in 75 years
  • Paradigm shift in customary law
  • Divergence and convergence in Indian law
  • Legal transplantation from India
  • Legal Transplantation in India
  • Indian law and global synthesis
  • Development of History of Maritime Law
  • History of the Indian Ocean
  • Legal Perspectives for Conservation of History & Heritage: Art, Culture, Museums, Buildings, etc.
  • Resource conservation, Environment and Urban planning

Submission Guidelines

  • An abstract/proposal between 300 to 500 words, clearly summarising the arguments, should be submitted through the online Abstract Submission Form. The file should be titled as: “Abstract (Name of the Article)”
  • The preferred length of the full paper (excluding footnotes) is 5,000-6,000 words (maximum limit). Authors must confine the paper between 12-15 pages, inclusive of everything. It must also include an Abstract (not more than 500 words) and 3-5 keywords. ‘
  • Authors’ autobiographical details should be sent along with the contribution in a separate word document titled “Cover Letter”, and shall include the name, academic & professional qualifications, institutional affiliation, current title, position of each author and an address for correspondence. Co-authorship of up to two authors is allowed.
  • The paper must be written in British English, typed using Times New Roman (Normal style, Font size 12) and in MS Word. Page size should be A4, single column with 2.5 cm (1 inch) margin on all sides with single line spacing. All pages of the manuscript (including Tables and Figures) must be numbered. Submissions only in the .docx or .doc format will be accepted.
  • Authors are expected to adhere strictly to the deadlines, and no extension will be granted, by the organizers, to any participant on any grounds whatsoever.
  • Acceptance of Abstracts does not guarantee a publication in the Edited Book. After the submission, if the piece is considered suitable for publication, it will be subjected to the double-blind peer-review process. The decision regarding the same will be informed to the Author(s) within the due course of time.
  • The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit, change, shorten and add to your article for the original edition and for any subsequent revision along with the right to republish the article as part of an anthology in later years: provided that the meaning of the text is not materially altered.
  • It is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure that all references and citations are correct, and that the contribution does not contain any material that infringes copyright, or is defamatory, obscene or otherwise unlawful or litigious.
  • The citations must conform to OSCOLA (Oxford Standard for the Citation of Legal Authorities) Citing and Referencing Style. Citation of sources should appear in both, the body of the text (an in-text citation) and at the end of the work (a reference list)
  • Copyright in the article shall be vested jointly with the author(s) of the submission and the Publisher. By submitting an article for the Conference, the author(s) of the submission grants the publisher a license to publish the article and warrants that s/he is the owner of all the copyrights of the article.
  • Where the author subsequently wishes to publish the article, the author is requested to obtain prior permission from the Editorial Board of the Conference and acknowledge that the article first appeared in the Conference proceedings.
  • The Author(s) will indemnify and defend the Publisher against any claim, demand or recovery against the Publisher by reason of any violation of any proprietary right or copyright, or because of any libelous or scandalous matter contained in the Manuscript. The Author(s) shall submit an undertaking to the same effect.


  • Call For Abstracts – 15 June, 2022
  • Abstract Submission – 01 July. 2022
  • Abstract Selection – 10 July. 2022
  • Final Submission Of Paper – 01 August. 2022
  • Final Selection For Presentation – 15 August. 2022
  • Conference – 02-04 September, 2022


Email: ailhc[at]nliu[dot]ac[dot]in

Student Coordinators

1. Ravi Sharma +91 8285744702 (WhatsApp Only)

2. Devansh Malhotra +91 9872450314 (WhatsApp Only)

For more information, Click here


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