Call for Papers | NLIU Journal of Business Laws | Vol. 4 | Submit by Dec 30

About NLIU

The National Law Institute University has been successful in instituting a sense of broad perspective along with scholastic and reflexive capabilities bearing in mind larger national and humanitarian goals in its student’s Legal education never received the attention they deserved in this country. It is a paradox that the Constitution ushered in the ideal of rule of law and adopted the policy of development through law but little attention was paid to legal studies. For almost half a century study of Law in Indian universities has been in the doldrums. It was increasingly realized by the professionals and academicians that the system of law teaching was thoroughly inadequate, unimaginative, and divorced from the major public issues of the day but attempts to change that have been few and far between

About CBCL

Centre for Business and Commercial Laws was established as a “Centre for Excellence” in 2008 at the National Law Institute University, Bhopal.

Driven by its primary purpose to cultivate a culture of commercial keenness within the student community, CBCL has striven to generate awareness and facilitate scholarship in the field of corporate and business laws.

It is in line with its mission to initiate discussion on and promote the understanding of business laws that the Centre has undertaken numerous initiatives over the years to aid the student community in refining their understanding of commercial laws.

About JBL

The Journal of Business Laws (“JBL”) serves as the flagship publication of CBCL and is a specialized periodical devoted exclusively to corporate and commercial laws, which offers legal professionals, academicians and students an up-to-date review of the field.

Published pieces include long articles, short articles, case and legislative comments, and book reviews on the law and practice relating to corporate and commercial laws.


JBL shall include articles pertaining to the field of business and commercial laws. Contributions from students, academicians, and professionals must be original and unpublished.

The submissions are expected to be of contemporary social relevance and must demonstrate high standards of scholarship.

Sub Themes

The Journal welcomes submissions on any of the following sub-themes:

  • Company law
  • Investment law
  • Competition law
  • Law of banking and finance
  • Insolvency and bankruptcy law
  • Taxation law
  • Securities and capital markets law
  • Intellectual property law
  • Contract law
  • White-collar crimes.

Submission Categories

Submission may be made to the NLIU-JBL under the following heads:

  • Long Articles – 4000 – 7000 Words: Long articles must be comprehensive and contain a rigorous in-depth analysis of the contemporary problem(s) and idea(s). It should include the identification of lacunae in the existing status quo along with alternatives, suggestions, and references to a range of sources. 
  • Short Articles – 2000 – 4000 Words: Short articles should rigorously analyze the contemporary problem(s) and idea(s). They should ideally identify lacunae in the existing status quo, provide solutions, alternative suggestions, and should include references to a range of sources. 
  • Case Comments – 2000 – 4000 Words: A case comment should be a critique of a recent judgment. The comment should highlight the relevance of judgments to the field of business and commercial laws, in addition to the views, expressed in the judgment, and include the critical opinion of the author.
  • Legislative Comment – 2000 – 4000 words: The comment should provide a rigorous analysis of a recent legislative instrument. It should examine the objective of the legislation and the legal impact the same is expected to have.
  • Book Review – 1000 – 3000 words: Book review must be a crisp account of a recently published book dealing with business and commercial laws. It should discuss the issues explored and left unexplored and the related arguments of the author

Note: The word limit is exclusive of the abstract and the footnotes. The prescribed word limit may be relaxed up to 10%, at the discretion of the Editorial Board.

Submission Guidelines

Submission is expected to be of high academic quality and must comply with the prescribed substance, formatting, and citation standards. Furthermore, submissions will be accepted only if:

  • The title succinctly encapsulates the topic and explains the body of work;
  • The abstract briefly describes the idea behind the submission, its structure, and the authors’ conclusion(s);
  • The issue(s) are clearly identified and adequately described; and
  • The submission is coherently presented.

Note: A submission will not be accepted if it has been plagiarized. NLIU-JBL has a zero-tolerance policy toward plagiarism. Please note that any plagiarized submission will be outrightly rejected.

Formatting Guidelines

  • The title must succinctly encapsulate the topic and explain the body of work.
  • There must be an abstract (250-300 words) which briefly describes the idea behind the submission, its structure, and the authors’ conclusion(s). It must include the novelty and usefulness of the idea that the author wishes to put forth and must categorically mention the specific contribution of the article beyond the existing available literature.
  • The body of the manuscript should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 12, and 1.5- line spacing.
  • The footnotes should be in Times New Roman, Font Size 10, and single line spacing.
  • The citations must conform to the style of OSCOLA (4th Edition) – Key available here.
  • Co-authorship (with no cap on authors) is permitted for all articles.
  • Manuscripts should only use footnotes as a means of citation. No other method shall be permitted.
  • Substantive footnotes are permissible.
  • The manuscript should not contain any references to the identity of the authors. However, authors are allowed to cite their previous published work.
  • All manuscripts shall only proceed to content evaluation after clearing a strict and thorough plagiarism check.

How to Submit?

Kindly send your manuscript in MSWord (.docx) format to [email protected]. The subject of the email should be “Submission for Volume 4 – .”

The submission should be accompanied by a Covering Letter, which must include the following details:

  • Name of Author(s)
  • Contact Details– Address and Mobile No.
  • Institutional Affiliations (if any)
  • Academic Qualifications

Each author will receive an acknowledgment of receipt of their submission from CBCL shortly after submitting.


Co-authorship is permissible only up to a maximum of two authors. And, Case Comment, Legislative Comment, and Book Review are not allowed.

Submission Deadline

December 30, 2022

Contact Information

In case of any queries, kindly drop an email at cbcl[at]


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