Call for Papers: Global Journal for Socio-Legal Research by Niti Manthan [No fee, Submit by 31st December 2021]

About Niti Manthan

Niti Manthan is an initiative to motivate and inspire young students on various socio-legal themes and to guide them traverse the righteous path throughout the endeavour of their personal and professional lives. By having a direct interaction and by the exchange of views with experienced legal minds and researching, conceptualizing and correspondingly reporting according to the selected avenue given below. It has been recognized by The International Criminal Court Hague, United Nations Harmony with Nature Programme, Received a grant for volunteer work by the IBJ, and has Collaborated with various Public Institutions and Universities
pan India.

The think tank, Niti Manthan currently functions in the areas of Research, Legal blogs,
Internships, E-classes, Young Leaders for Legal Literacy Program, Research Centers on Medical and Health Law, Environmental Law & Psycho-Legal Studies, Workshops, Certificate Courses and Lecture Series.

About the Journal

Global Journal of Socio-Legal Research (hereinafter referred to as ‘the Journal’) provides a  discussion on new ideas, fresh insights, and expert views on critical practical issues faced across various jurisdictions. The content is contributed by experts in the field, practitioners and international students, and aims to provide a reliable source of guidance and discussion for the globalized world. 

The Journal is a peer-reviewed half-yearly international journal with a diverse editorial board. As  mentioned above, the aim of the journal is to address contemporary socio-legal issues and will act as a source of information for the further development of jurisprudence. The Journal is being published under the aegis and guidance of Niti Manthan.

The Board of Advisors

The Board of Advisors for GSLR Journal include Prof. (Dr.) G.S. Bajpai, Prof. (Dr.) Amar Pal  Singh, Dr. Anurag Deep, Ms. Madina Plieva, and Dr. Risham Garg, Ms Mansi Gupta, Ms  Aradhana Gupta, Mr. Nitish Rai Parwani, Mr. Siddhant Indrajit, and Ms. Architi Batra.

Main themes for long articles and essays: February 2022 Edition

The February 2022 edition of the journal is a representation of the Research Centres at Niti  Manthan and their aim in promotion of their respective issues of various Socio-Legal Themes.  

1. Intersection of Psychology and Law: Emerging Areas and Expanding Roles 2. Application of Social Psychology in the Criminal Justice System 

3. Practical approaches to Climate Financing and Public-Private Conversation 4. The Role of ADR in Climate Litigation and Sustainability Disputes 

5. The Role of ADR in balancing Healthcare Litigation and Medical Disputes 6. Liberalization of Abortion Laws Globally: Role of Human Right Norms 7. The Role of Stereotypes, Prejudices and Social Movements in Policy Making and Judicial  Decisions 

8. Change in Investigation methods due to Technological Advances 

9. Disproportionate Damage in Third World Countries due to COVID-19.

It is to be noted that the above-mentioned themes are for the guidance purpose only and are merely suggestive in nature. The authors are free to choose the ambit and scope of the paper in the background of the main theme. The editorial team would be happy to entertain submissions related to any topic according to the themes of the Journal.


● Research Articles: 5,000 – 10,000 words. 

● Essays: 3,000 – 5,000 words. 

● Case Commentaries: 1,500 – 4,000 words. 

● Book Reviews and Legislative Comments: 2,000 – 4,000 words. [For Book Reviews,  please ensure that the Book should have been published within the period of 2019-2021,  and it must be relevant as of 1st November 2021

Please note that the word limit is not hardcoded. If deemed fit, minor deviations may be allowed by the editorial team. 

Who can Submit?

Faculty members, research scholars, working professionals and students in any field of study are eligible to submit their papers. Nationality is no bar for submission. 

Submission Guidelines

● Essays and long articles must include an abstract of not more than 350 words. ● Title: Title of your manuscripts should be concise, with a maximum of 70 characters. ● Keywords: The author can give up to 10 keywords for the ease of reference to the reader.  

This will further boost the search engine optimisation (SEO) of your article. ● Biography: A brief biographical note, including both the current affiliation as well as the  email address of the author(s), should be provided in the first footnote of the  manuscript. 

● Submissions should be original and unpublished work of the author(s). Additionally, the  submission should not be under consideration anywhere else.  

● Language: Only articles in English will be considered for publication. Manuscripts should be written in standard English while using ‘ise’ and ‘isation’ instead of ‘ize’ and ‘ization’.  The preferred reference source is the Oxford English Dictionary. However, in the case of quotations, the original spelling should be maintained. 

● Heading: Heading levels must be clearly indicated. 

● Tables: The tables and illustrations must be self-explanatory and their content should not be repeated in the text. Refrain from tabulation unnecessarily. They must be numbered  and must be included in concise titles 

● Figures and Illustrations: These should be submitted as separate files along with the manuscript, and it is very important that they are high quality: .tif or .jpg files with a  resolution of at least 600 dpi. 

● GSLR follows a strict policy against plagiarism. Any form of plagiarism will result in an automatic rejection. Moreover, if the Turnitin similarity index reports over 20% similarity  (after making the relevant exclusions such as bibliography, quotes, small matches, etc.),  then the submission shall be rejected.  ● Manuscripts must be submitted electronically, in Word Format or .docx

● Submissions must be accompanied with details of authors such as the title of submission,  name of authors, email, phone, college or affiliation, year of study, category of submission in the body of the email. 

● Co-Authorship: The co-authorship is permitted to a maximum of two authors. ● The name of the author(s) or affiliation should NOT appear in the word document containing the final submission. 

● Publication fee: There is no fee for publication.

General Formatting Guidelines

1. Formatting Typescript 

● Font Type: Times New Roman 

● Font Size: 12 

● Line Spacing: 1.5 

● Text Alignment: Justified 

2. Citation Style 

● Method of Citation: Footnotes 

● Format of Citation: 4th Edition, OSCOLA style guide 

● Font Type: Times New Roman 

● Font Size: 10 

● Line Spacing: 1.0

NOTE: For manuscripts on the themes of Psychology and Law (S.No. 1,2 and 8) APA  Formatting style has to be followed.

Communication of Acceptance

The provisional decision of acceptance will be communicated latest by 15th January, 2022.  Following which, the authors will be given 15 days to incorporate all the editorial suggestions  and revert to the editorial team. Final acceptance is conditional on the authors making all  requisite changes in a timely manner.

Copyright and Exclusivity

Upon acceptance of the manuscript for publication by the editorial board, the copyright over the manuscript shall vest in the Journal. However, the moral rights over the manuscript shall vest in the author(s). The Journal only publishes exclusive content. Once a manuscript is accepted, the same cannot be published elsewhere. 


Manuscripts must be submitted at [email protected] with the mail subject as, Name of Author_GSLR February 2022 Manuscript till 31st December 2021. It is to be noted that no submissions beyond the date mentioned below will be accepted.

Contact Us

Please feel free to contact us at +91 9953998888 (Samarth Luthra) or +91 8700568976 (Madhav  Gawri)


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