Call For Papers by NLUO Law Journal Volume IX Issue I

About the Journal

The NLUO Law Journal (ISSN 2348-8913) is the flagship publication of the National Law University Odisha. The biannual peer-reviewed journal aims to encourage legal scholarship in national and international interdisciplinary legal issues. The journal publishes and curates frontier research in multiple fields under the broad umbrella of contemporary issues in the legal field. While past editions of the journal have included special issues on topical relevance, there is no strict delineation, and authors are encouraged to add to the discourse with a topic of their choice for this issue.

Past Issues

The NLUO Law Journal had its first volume published in the year 2013, multiple consecutive volumes of the journal were then
formulated as special issues on ‘Access to Justice’, ‘Child Rights’, ‘Climate Change’ and ‘In the Memory of Padma Shri Prof. N.R. Madhava Menon’ and ‘Distinctive issue on Electoral Laws in India’. The last issue was a special issue on ‘Migration and Human Rights: Issues, Trends, and Challenges’. On a wider note, all of the editions focus on topics of substantial contemporary relevance and provide an excellent repository of scholarship in those areas.

Theme for the Issue

This issue of the NLUO Law Journal, Volume IX, has no limitations based on the theme and will be accepting submissions on broad legal concerns with respect to public law, private law, or other cross-cutting issues.

Submission Guidelines

The NLUO Law Journal is published tentatively in the months of January and July every year and accepts submissions on a rolling basis from external contributors. All submissions must be accompanied by a covering letter indicating the name of the
author, the title of the submission, and the email address of the author. The submissions will be reviewed and edited by the Editorial Board under the supervision of the Editor in Chief. Submissions can be in the form of long articles, short notes, case
comment/Legislative Comments and book reviews. The acceptable word limit should not exceed:
o Long Articles: 8000-10000 words
o Short Notes: 4000-8000 words
o Case Comments/Legislative Comments: 3000 words
o Book Review: 2000-3000 words

  1. All the word limits mentioned above are exclusive of footnotes. Kindly note that the word limits will be strictly enforced.
  2. All the submissions must consist of an Abstract of not more than 300 words, highlighting the main contribution and a declaration of originality is also to be sent. The abstract will not be included in the word limit. The submission must be sent along with
    upto 6 Keywords mentioned below the Abstract in the manuscript.
  3. A submission can be co-authored by a maximum of two people. Submissions are invited from academicians, practitioners and research scholars.
  4. In the event that authors send more than one submission for consideration, only the first submission shall be reviewed for publication.
  5. A submission, not published in the issue the author has sent it for, can be considered for publication in the future issues.

Formatting and Citation Guidelines

  • An appropriate Title must be mentioned in the cover page of the submission. The Title should be Font Type and Size, Times New Roman and 16 respectively. It should be center aligned.
  • The submission should not contain any biographical information of the author throughout the manuscript.
  • The body of the text must be font type – Times New Roman, Font Size 12. The alignment should be justified.
  • The footnotes must be font type – Time New Roman, Font Size 10. The alignment should be justified.
  • The Line Spacing of the main text and footnotes must be 1.5, 1 respectively.
  • Citations must be uniform and in the OSCOLA Format (4th Edition).
  • Use of headings and Subheadings is encouraged throughout the text.

o Headings: Centre Aligned, Bold, and Font Size – 14, Font Type – Times New
o Subheadings: Justified Alignment, Bold, Italicized, Font Size – 12 and Font
Type – Times New Roman.

Submission Procedure

  1. Authors are requested to send their original, unpublished submissions in .doc/.docx format to [email protected]
  2. The name of the file must be saved as: Name of the Author(s) + Title of the Submission.
  3. The submissions must be accompanied by a covering letter bearing the following information:
    ❖ Full Name of the Author(s)
    ❖ Position / Year of Study (if applicable, of all author(s))
    ❖ Institutional Affiliations (if any)
    ❖ Contact Details of the Author / Co-Author
  4. The email forwarding the submission must contain the following subject line, “SUBMISSION – ‘Name of Author’ – ‘Title of the Paper’ – Vol IX Iss I”.
  5. The authors are required to mention any relevant identification information on the body of the email as well, including their name, contact details, institutional affiliation (if any). The authors are also encouraged to add a bio in a separate word file with such
    details as deemed necessary and relevant.

Publication Policy

  • The submissions should be original work of the authors and must not be published elsewhere. Submissions with plagiarized content and copyright issues will be rejected outrightly.
  • By sending the submissions to NLUO Law Journal, the author(s) agree to assign exclusive copyright in the work to NLUO-LJ. It shall be entitled to, without limitation, publish and reproduce the submission (or part(s) thereof) in any manner it sees fit (with due acknowledgement to the author) subject to the doctrine of fair use as enumerated under the Copyright Act.
  • The editors reserve the right to edit the submissions (or part(s) thereof) for publication without permission from or further notice to the author.
  • After initial screening, short-listed submissions will go through a double-blind peer-review process and the final selection will be based on that procedure.
  • All authors shall receive an acknowledgment of receipt of their work within 4 weeks of submission. If any submission does not pass any level review or is rejected for any reason such as originality, plagiarism, etc., then a mail shall be sent to the author in due course of such rejection.

For any Query and Clarifications

Please send us a mail at the following e-mail address:
E-mail: [email protected]


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