Call for Blogs on Undemocratic Processes in Democratic Institutions | The Human Rights Blog

About The Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights (‘CASIHR’)

The Centre for Advanced Studies in Human Rights (‘CASIHR’) is a research Centre under the aegis of Rajiv Gandhi National University of Law, Punjab. The Centre’s primary objective is to undertake, support, and promote advanced study and interdisciplinary research on the emerging trends in human rights and its allied fields.
The CASIHR stating its aims and objectives posits–
“In full recognition of the complex national and international issues involved, the CASIHR intends to approach any study and research from a multi-level and multi-actor perspective. Besides such studies and independent applied research, it ambitiously aims

1. at creating working documents serving as advice to policymakers on human rights governance and public policy issues; and

2. to regularly organize conferences, seminars, and debates on the relevant topics.”

About The Human Rights Blog

The Human Rights Blog is an egalitarian space welcoming original contributions involving critical interdisciplinary research on human rights developments across the world. It aims to initiate and promote dialogue, discussion, and discourse between various actors and stakeholders in the field of human rights. It intends to provide an accessible forum for timely, relevant, well-researched, and edited scholarly articles. It is based on a contributor-based model.

About the Theme

Nearly every country in the world identifies itself as a democracy. The notion of what modern democracy is has come a long way from its conception in the 1700s, widening discourse on rights and effective and just governance. Though democratic ideals have evolved over the centuries, it remains imperative that we analyze our democracies critically. Egregious human rights abuses continue to take place in the democracies of the world. Whether it be state-sponsored torture, extrajudicial killings, flawed electoral processes, or discriminatory legislations, the modern democracies of the world have in many ways, failed ideas they purport to hold. The lacunae in these democratic institutions of the State have led to unequal, divided, and oppressed societies.

The need now is for solutions to the problems that democracy has not been able to solve. A solution-based approach through intelligent and rights-centric lawmaking will be an important step in ensuring that countries are able to better fulfill their democratic ideals. Jurisprudence and legal precedent also give us an important insight into the flaws within and the requirements from a system that claims to be democratic. Only once systems that entrench abuse, bigotry, and unfairness are removed, will democracies succeed.

The special series on undemocratic democracies hopes to further discourse on this subject and provide new insight into where such literature is lacking.


  1. Electoral Laws: The Legal and Political Intricacies of Representation in Democracies
  2. Institutionalisation of Racism, Casteism and Sexism: Legal Analysis
  3. Models for Effective Decentralisation: A Rights Perspective
  4. India and the Erosion of Separation of Powers: Judicial Overreach and Delegated Legislation
  5. Policing and Due Process in Modern Democracy
  6. Reformative and Punitive Justice: A Jurisprudential Analysis
  7. The Relevance of Uniform Personal Laws in Diverse Democracies
  8. Namesake Democracies: A Comparative Analysis
  9. Fair and Effective Implementation of Welfare Policies
  10. A Democratic Response to Refugee Crises in the 21st Century

The sub-themes are only illustrative, and submissions are not restricted to the aforementioned sub-themes, provided that they fall within the ambit of the main theme.


  1. The Human Rights Blog invites submissions from students, human rights researchers,
    academicians, practitioners, members of civilsociety organizations, and policymakers.
  2. The title of the manuscript should indicate the sub-theme that has been chosen by the
  3. The word limit for the submission shall be 1000-1500 words, accompanied by an abstract of not more than 150 words. The word limit is exclusive of endnotes and abstract.
  4. Co-authorship to a maximum of two authors of the same or different institutions is
  5. Plagiarism is strictly prohibited.
  6. Referencing and citationsmust be put up in the formofin-text hyperlinksforinternetsources.
    Endnotes for offline sources shall adhere to any uniform citation format.
  7. Thebody ofthemanuscriptshouldbe inTimesNewRoman,fontsize 12with 1.5 line spacing.
    The endnotesshould be in Times New Roman, fontsize 10 with single line spacing. The text
    alignment should be justified.
  8. Submissions should include the manuscript in .doc or .docx format. The manuscript should
    not contain the name of the author or his/ her institutional affiliation or any other
    identification mark.

Submission Procedure

Submissions shall only be made through Google Form. The same can be accessed here. Authors are requested to read our Editorial Policy before submitting their articles.
The last date of submission is 26th December 2021, 11:59 pm IST.

Contact Us

In case of any query, feel free to contact us at [email protected].
Visit our website to know more about the HumanRightsBlog.TheCallforBlogs can be accessed here


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