Call for Blogs | NUALS Kochi’s Restructuring and Insolvency Law Journal [RILJ Blog] | Rolling Submissions!

About NUALS Kochi

The National University of Advanced Legal Studies is a uni-disciplinary university in Kochi, India for undergraduate, graduate and post-graduate legal education. It is the only National Law University in the state of Kerala. 

About the Centre

The Centre for Parliamentary and Legal Studies (CPSLR), NUALS, brings to you the Restructuring and Insolvency Journal of Law, an erudite publication and discussion forum especially designed to examine both the practical and theoretical issues and opinions in this increasingly important area of law which is of significant concern to the members within and outside the corporate world. 

It will be a platform to keep its readers abreast of various important topics of interest and current developments and trends in this dynamic field. The RILJ is also the platform to publish our flagship IBC e-Newsletter.

The introduction of IBC E-Newsletter, a student-run peer-reviewed publication in late 2018, was the first successful step towards consolidating and providing quarterly updates in the insolvency and bankruptcy regime. It is exclusively dedicated to analyse the developments relating to the field of insolvency, restructuring and bankruptcy happening in India as well as around the globe.

The blogs, as accepted by them, will be published on the RILJ website. The Editorial Board will be issuing a different call for articles for the next edition of the newsletter (Edn. 14).  


The contributions must deal with a contemporary issue of insolvency and bankruptcy law or corporate restructuring law. The article must analyse a novel, yet a contemporary issue.

Submission and Formatting Guidelines

Submissions are welcome on a rolling basis on the areas pertaining to insolvency law, bankruptcy law and restructuring. Articles on national and international insolvency law are welcome. The guidelines are as follows:

  • The blog shall not be accepting entries that fall outside our interest area and be rejected without a detailed review of the piece.
  • Submissions must be unpublished, authentic and original work of the author/authors.
  • Submission can be in the form of articles, case comments, opinions and short notes on the topics as mentioned above.
  • The co-authorship of the submission is limited to only 2 (two) authors.
  • The word limit for the contribution is 1000 to 1500. (excluding endnotes)
  • Submissions shall be in (.docx) format.
  • References should be hyperlinked wherever necessary. In case the cited material does not have an online source or online copy, endnotes must be used (NOT FOOTNOTES).
  • Main text: Garamond, font size 12, line spacing 1.5.
  • Endnotes: Garamond, font size 10, line spacing 1.0. (endnotes should be avoided and kept to a bare minimum). Style of citation: Bluebook 20th Edition.
  • The submissions shall be sent for plagiarism check after the initial review process, confirming to which only shall they finally be published. The plagiarism shall not be more than 15% of the submission entry, and any level of plagiarism higher to the accepted mark will lead to disqualification of the contribution.

Submission Process

Submissions must be made in the electronic form to [email protected] under the subject heading “Submission: RILJ Blog”. The body of the mail shall contain details of the author (full name, semester, university and contact number). Please do not include any details of the author in the article.

In case of any queries, please contact [email protected] 

Click Here for Further Details


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