4th Thiru Isari Velan Memorial National Moot Court Competition 25th & 26th February 2022

About Thiru. Isari Velan Memorial National Moot Court Competition

Thiru. Isari Velan Memorial National Moot Court Competition (IVMNMCC) is  an annual all India moot court competition organized by the School of Law,  Vels Institute of Science, Technology and Advanced Studies (VISTAS),  Chennai. The competition is one of the most sought-after mooting events among  the Law schools in the city of Chennai. It started in the year 2019 and this year  will be its fourth edition. The past IVMNMC competitions have been graced by  eminent Jurists and Judges namely Hon’ble Mr. Justice Kurian Joseph (Retd.),  Former Judge, Supreme Court of India, Hon’ble Mr. Justice M.S. Ramesh,  Judge, High Court of Madras, Hon’ble Mr. Justice M. Nirmal Kumar, Judge,  High Court of Madras, Hon’ble Mr. Justice G.R. Swaminathan, Judge, High  Court of Madras, Hon’ble Mr. Justice G.K. Ilanthiraiyan, Judge, High Court of  Madras and Hon’ble Mr. Justice D. Bharatha Chakravarthy, Judge, High Court  of Madras.

Date and Venue

The 4th Thiru. Isari Velan Memorial National Moot Court Competitionwillbe held  between25th and26th February2022 through virtual mode (Google Meet app).


The official language of the Competitionshall be English and all oral and written  submissions must be made only in English.  


Participating teams mustfillthe provisional registration form in the below mentioned link https://forms.gle/GWsT72Zkd862eZ2w8 

Team Eligibility and Composition

  • The Competition is open only for students pursuing LL.B three-year / five-year  programme in India in the current academic year.  
  • Theparticipating institution must be recognized by the Bar Council of India.
  • Each team shall consist of a minimum of two or maximum of three members. No team  shall consist of more than three members.  
  • In a three-member team,two participants shall be designated as speakers and one as the researcher.  
  • A maximum of two teams per institution will be allowed to participate in the competition.

More Information

For More Information and the Moot Proposition- Click Here


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