23rd D. M. Harish Memorial Government Law College International Online Moot Court Competition, 2022


It is our pleasure to announce the 23rd edition of the D. M. Harish Memorial Government Law College International Moot Court Competition (DMH) 2022, hosted by Government Law College, Mumbai, India, in association with the D. M. Harish Foundation.

The Competition is scheduled to be held on the 12th & 13th of February, 2022. DMH is India’s first international Moot Court Competition which started in the year 2000 as a National Moot Court Competition and has been open to international entrants since the past fifteen years. It has seen the keen participation of a number of teams from across all continents.

The Moot problem of the competition deals primarily with issues relating to International Law, highlighting the emerging legal landscape, and has been drafted by experts in the field. The participants are made to go through extensive Mooting Rounds, to ensure that only the two best Teams reach the Final Round of Arguments. All participants are also to present their Written Submissions a month prior to the Competition.

The Moot Court Competition is conducted over 2 days where the participating teams go through two Preliminary Rounds of Argument where they would be arguing each side once, Octo-Final Rounds of Arguments, Quarter-Final Rounds of Arguments, the Semi-Final Rounds of Argument, and finally, the Final Round of Arguments. Eminent lawyers and Judges of the highest standing in India, academicians, and experts in the field of International Law all converge to judge the various rounds of the competition, As in the past years, the Final Rounds of Arguments will once again be judged by a distinguished bench of sitting Judges of the Hon’ble Bombay High Court who will grill the participants and evaluate their performances in a sombre real-life setting.

Please find attached the Moot Problem, Official Rules, and Official Schedules with the relevant deadlines for the 2022 edition of the competition along with a list of past participants and winners in the attached files. To register, your esteemed university must take part in the Memorial Round, out of which a few Indian Universities/Colleges will qualify to the Oral Rounds.

The Indian Universities/Colleges applying through the Memorial Round must fill the google form https://forms.gle/6Fey7Lbdrb7X8eTYA by 14th November 2021.

Please note that the moot problem will explore a range of contemporary issues in international law, including the impact of armed conflict on international investment, sovereignty over cyberspaces, fragmentation of international law, etc.

Registration Schedule

Moot Proposition

Rules of the Competition

Please note that the moot topic will look at a variety of current concerns in international law, such as the impact of armed conflict on international investment, sovereignty over cyberspaces, international law fragmentation, and so on.

With any further assistance with respect to the competition, you may contact:You may email us at [email protected] or [email protected]


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