1st Legislation Drafting Competition | Centre for Research in Criminal Justice Science, GNLU | Submit by Nov. 30

About the Competition

The competition provides a remarkable opportunity for individuals to learn the nuances of legislative drafting. The competition will help the participant to understand the intricacies of the drafting process, from identifying the issues to understanding the need for regulating certain aspects and codifying them for better governance. Legislative drafting fosters students’ capacity to observe the current legal issues and lacunae and offer solutions in that regard, as well as expand the horizons of their knowledge, analytical skills, and interpretation of the law. The competition welcomes students across all law schools to participate and help in the dissemination of ideas and experiences on the prescribed topic. 

The topic for the legislation drafting competition is “Prevention of Substance Abuse in Higher Educational Institutions and Schools.” Substance abuse has been an intractable societal concern in our country for decades. With growing instances of substance abuse in higher educational institutions, with individuals belonging to the relatively young age group being the significant long-term contributors to the same due to their susceptibilities to drug abuse and impressionable age, it becomes pertinent for a regulatory measure to be adopted in this respect. Thus, the overwhelming effects of substance abuse on individuals, families, and societies demand effective deterrence. While there is consensus about the importance of prevention, there is a lack of agreement over the best way to achieve it. Though the Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances Act, 1985 stands as the pioneer piece of legislation in the sphere of regulation and prohibition of drug abuse in India, its application to the targeted age group is a challenge based on lacunae in its enforcement and lack of rehabilitative provisions in the Act.

To address the aforementioned issue, the participants are required to draft legislation covering the matter of substance abuse among youth and students, covering all aspects of prevention, prohibition, regulation, and rehabilitation.

General Instructions:

  1. Mode of the Competition: The competition will be conducted in an online medium.
  2. Language: The competition will be conducted in the English language.
  3. Any form of identification mark of the participants is restricted on the Legislative Bill submission.
  4. Submission of the file is to be made in the Doc. Or Docx. formats only.
  5. Submission made by the participants is to be titled ‘SUBMISSION FOR LEGISLATION DRAFTING COMPETITION’ through Google form, which will be provided in due time.
  6. 80% similarity of two or more drafts will lead to disqualification of the participants from the competition.
  7. No submissions from the participants will be entertained after the due date.
  8. After the conclusion of the competition, the Organizer holds every right on the draft submitted.

Eligibility and Team Composition

The competition is open to all students pursuing LLM or LLB from a recognized Law College/University.  There is no restriction on the number of participants from a particular university. The participant can register individually as well as in a team that may comprise a maximum number of 2 members.

Important Dates and Prizes

  • Last Date of Submission: 11:59 pm, November 30, 2022
  • Declaration of Results: January 05, 2023


  • Winner: INR 10,000
  • 1st Runner Up: INR 5,000
  • 2nd Runner Up: INR 3,000

Format of Draft Legislation

The Draft of the Legislation should be in the following format:

  • The Long Title
  • The Preamble
  • The Enacting Clause
  • The Short Title
  • Extent and Commencement Clause
  • Definitions
  • The Operative Section
  • Procedural Provisions
  • Exceptions and Exemptions Clause
  • Offenses
  • Penalties
  • Provisions regarding Delegated Legislation
  • Repealing and Saving Clause (if any)
  • Miscellaneous Provisions

Formatting Guidelines for Submission

  1. The draft shall be in English only.
  2. The text must be in Times New Roman with Size 12, line spacing should be set to 1.5, no paragraph spacing with a one-inch margin on each side, and the alignment of the text should be justified.
  3. Footnotes must be in Times New Roman, Size 10, with Single Line spacing.
  4. Page numbers must be given at the Top Right-Hand Corner.
  5. The draft shall not exceed 25 pages (excluding the cover page).
  6. The cover page of the submission should include the Long Title of the bill along with the name of the Author(s), with the Author’s designation.
  7. The Content of the legislature drafted should be original and not plagiarized (15% limit), or there shall be a deduction of 1 mark each for every percent or can lead to disqualification. The decision of the organizers shall be final.
  8. The breakdown of a section shall be as follows:

SECTION 1. (“SECTION” for 1st section and “ §” for subsequent sections, followed by Arabic numeral)

(a) (Subsection) (lower-case letter)

(1) (Paragraph) (Arabic numeral)

(A) (Subparagraph) (upper-case letter)

(i) (Clause) (lower-case Roman numeral)

(I) (Subclause) (upper-case Roman numeral)  


Submission of the file is to be made in Doc. or Docx. formats only using the following link:

Please ensure that the information you enter in the form is accurate because the same information will be used for the issuance of the certificates.

For any further queries, please mail on “[email protected]” or contact:-

  • Student Secretary (GCRCJS):- Ananya: +91 7303221032
  • Student Co-secretary (GCRCJS):- Bhanupratap Singh Rathore: +91 9664338656

Official Brochure:


All efforts are made to ensure the accuracy and correctness of the information published at Legally Flawless. However, Legally Flawless shall not be responsible for any errors caused due to oversight or otherwise. The users are advised to check the information themselves.

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