1st ILPS NLUO Essay Writing Competition on “International Laws and Policies”.

About the Organisation

International Law and Policy Society (NLUO) is a society for intellectual dialogue on contemporary issues of International Law and Foreign Policy.

About the Event

Greetings from the International Law and Policy Society.

The Society is pleased to announce its 1st ILPS NLUO Essay Writing Competition on International Laws and Policies. The competition allows students, academicians, and scholars to write about crucial topics based on international law. Through this competition, the society tries to encourage more literature and awareness regarding the international issues currently prevailing.


1. Vaccine Diplomacy of India

2. Refugee crisis in the Taliban rule

3. The regressive laws paradigm of China

4. Changes in the International abortion laws in 21stCentury

5. Outer space treaty with respect to the private corporations’ space race


Last date of Registration is 25th October 2021

The last date for the submission of manuscripts is 31st October, 2021.


First prize 1500

Second prize 1000

Third prize 500

Registration fees

Registration fees shall be Rs 100 for a single author and Rs 150 for co-authorship


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