Delhi High Court refuses to stay  streaming of Nyay: The Justice

Sushant Singh Rajput's father had filed a plea before the Delhi High Court seeking a stay on the continued streaming of the film, Nyay: The Justice.

The Delhi High court stated that Rajput's personality rights, privacy rights, and publicity rights ceased to exist after his death and are not inheritable by his father.

The film's content was derived from publicly available information in the media, which was never challenged by SSR or his father when it appeared in the media.

The Delhi HC noted that even if the film infringed upon Rajput's publicity rights or defamed him, such rights are personal to the actor and cannot be inherited.

Since the movie was already released and viewed by thousands, the court decided against issuing an order to stop its streaming.

The court emphasized that in a constitutional scheme guaranteeing equality, it is inappropriate to grant extra rights exclusively to celebrities.

The court concluded that the movie does not infringe Article 19(2) of the Constitution of India, which pertains to freedom of speech and expression.


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